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Navigating Your Financial Journey One Step at a Time

Let’s Align Your Wealth

With Your Long-Term Aspirations

As a firm, we offer knowledgeable guidance as you set and achieve your financial goals. From accumulating wealth through building a portfolio to planning for retirement, our process is informative and straightforward from the start.

Our approach and the frequency of our meetings are tailored to your specific financial objectives and preferences. We prioritize your goals in order to handle the complexities so you can get back to focusing on what matters most to you.

What It’s Like Working With Elite Focus

One | Chicago IL | Elite Focus Private Wealth



We’ll begin by getting to know each other during a short phone call or in-person meeting. At this time, we'll discuss your current financial standing as well as the goals you have for the future. By discovering what’s important to you, we’ll determine how we can help you move forward.

Two | Chicago IL | Elite Focus Private Wealth



Next, we’ll begin gathering data and analyzing your financial situation. Together, we will develop a clear understanding of your specific needs, assets, liabilities and risk tolerance.

Three | Chicago IL | Elite Focus Private Wealth



Our team will take into account your needs and your vision for the future as we build and present to you a tailored strategy and investment portfolio.

Four | Chicago IL | Elite Focus Private Wealth



During this time we will implement the developed strategies and partner with your CPAs, estate planning attorneys and other professionals, as needed, in order to execute on all aspects of the plan.

Five | Chicago IL | Elite Focus Private Wealth



We strive to maintain an ongoing relationship with you and will continue to meet to address any and all outstanding action items. Over time, we’ll work with you to make recommended adjustments and collaborate to keep your plan on track.

Ready to Begin?

Start With a Complimentary Consultation